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Free slurpee day at 7-11 |
This last week has been a good week for us. With President Bonham leaving and President Wilding coming in it was the very fist week that we didn't have any additional meetings. It was a little weird but it was really good because that meant we were going to be able to spend a lot of time in our area that we normally don't get to. The weather was nice, we got to go out and proselyte a lot....what more could you ask for.
For P-Day we got to go to the Church and play basketball and other games with some of the missionaries in our Zone, this was a lot of fun. I came out on my mission competitive and well nothing has changed in that aspect. I found I couldn’t really run or jog because I would start to get competitive. So I kind of just walked all over. Very boring but it was a lot of fun! Still a struggle....maybe I will be able to fix it a little bit before I go home!
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Personal scripture study |
We went to go and visit a Less Active member. We parked the car and started to walk when we passed a garage sale. So we stop in and just walked around because everyone who was there we had never met before. It was a lot of fun because we were able to talk to a lot of people and come to find out the family that was holding the garage sale knew the person that we wanted to go and see. They were very kind and told us some of the hard things that had been happening in the neighbors life. But what was cool is that when we had just showed up the man who was in charge knew who we were and was super kind. Fast forward a couple of hours we decided that we were going to go and pick up trash on 164th so that people could see the "Mormons" out doing some good! As we were picking up trash we passed the same guy that was at the garage sale! It was so cool, he thought what we were doing was very kind and Christ like!!! Planting and Harvesting!
Cammy our investigator is going awesome! We were able to teach her about the Book of Mormon and she loved it. She has been though a lot in her life and when I say a lot she has been everywhere and done everything. What is cool is that she is just trying to fix her life and figure out her purpose and the things she is suppose to do! She is ready for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I am so grateful that I get to spend this time teaching her!
I read a talk by Sherri Dew called "Will You Engage in the Wrestle?" (Click Here to read this talk). I love this talk so much! She talks about so many things. She says, "We can only bear witness of what we know. We can't testify of a wish or a hope or even a belief. We can express a hope, a wish, or a belief. But we cannot stand as a witness of Jesus Christ unless we can bear witness of Him. We can defend the faith only if we have faith." She goes on to talk about how we are here at this time because our Heavenly Father chose us to be here now. That there is work to do and we are the ones who are going to be able to do it. She shares a story of two girls who had questions and didn't know if the church was true. She asked the first girl if she wanted to have a testimony of these things. She said yes and Sister Dew and so many other people helped her with that. The second girl on the other hand didn't care to know if these things were true. She teaches that it is good to have questions but it is important to look for the answer to those questions by going to the right sources. She says, " Champion wrestlers tell me that it isn't necessarily the strongest wrestler who wins. It is the wrestler who know how to leverage his strength to over power his opponent. Spiritual wrestling leverages the strength of true doctrine to overpower our weaknesses, our wavering faith, and our lack of knowledge. Spiritual wrestlers are seekers. They are men and women of faith who want to understand more than they presently do and who are serious about increasing the light and knowledge in their lives.....Growing spiritually and reviving answers to our questions depends upon our ability to feel, hear, and understand the whispering of the Spirit. It is work engaging in a spiritual wrestle to learn to receive personal revelation, because we can only know what is true when the Spirit bears witness to our hearts and minds as only the Holy Ghost can. Revelation must include both, because intellect alone cannot produce a testimony. You cannot think your way to conversion, because you cannot convince your mind of something your heart does not feel." I could go on all day! I encourage you to all read it because it is amazing. You can find the whole talk on BYUI web page.
I get to stay with Sister Leininger here in Alderswood. We will just be moving appartments! #missionarylife
I love you all and I hope that you have a great week!
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